Enchiladas that take time

I boast a lot about meals that come together fast and truly are easy. And I need you to know that I mean this every time I say it — I’m not trying to trick you into a stressful kitchen encounter. That said, sometimes you may feel like really investing in cooking a meal. And when you do, here’s a recipe you can try.

When this cooking mood strikes me, I have a collection of recipes I pull from. If it’s chilly outside, you can bet good money that I’m ready to spend hours making enchiladas.

Of course there are faster ways for this dish to come alive, but I’m hooked on this method. It has the deepest flavor and a richness that is satisfying, and I attribute this to the homemade sauce. You essentially make chili soup base that gets lusciously thick, and then you strain it to separate the sauce from the meat and veggies. The ladder becomes your enchilada filling and the sauce is what you dip each tortilla in. I’ll warn you, this process is a bit messy and it also is necessary to fry the tortillas before coating — otherwise, they get soggy even after baking.

And before you think about skimping on the pico de gallo, don’t. This is the freshness you need for a dish like this.

Rick Martinez’s Tex-Mex-Style Beef Enchiladas from BA


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