Semi-full English Breakfast

Life Update: We moved from New York to London this week!

With all major changes, I find it easiest to adjust by seeking some familiarity, while also finding ways to embrace where I am. To no one’s surprise, this process often involves food.

So one our first weekend as UK residents, I was determined to make some form of an English Breakfast.

What it entailed: Eggs, toast, sausages, tomato and beans

Here’s what I did, in the order I did it:

  • The sausages: I started by cooking these since they would take the longest. I chose to sauté them in a dry nonstick skillet on medium-high heat until fully browned on all sides. For me, cooking these took the full time of making the other elements of the breakfast.

  • The tomato: I cut one tomato in half, seasoned with salt and pepper on each side and sautéed it cut-side down in a nonstick skillet with some butter for a few minutes until cooked and slightly charred.

  • The toast: In the pan with the sausages after they had been cooking awhile, I toasted the small pieces of bread in some butter until golden on both sides.

  • The Eggs: I opted to scramble these, though I could see how a runny yolk would thrive here too. For scrambling, I whisked the eggs, whole milk, salt, pepper and cayenne until thoroughly combined. Then, in the same pan that the tomato had charred, I cooked these on medium heat in butter until fluffy and formed.

  • The beans: Trust me when I say I also did not think beans for breakfast was a good idea. And then I realized British beans are stewed in a tomato sauce, which makes them delicious and dare I say, akin to Spaghetti-O’s. To heat these up before serving, I just followed the microwave instructions on the can.


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