Ice cream cake

As a summer birthday gal, I’ve struggled with what to eat throughout my celebration. No one can be surprised to know that my way of celebrating is through food.

My food preferences are more aligned with a fall or winter season, but it’s often so hot on my birthday I have to pivot accordingly. While I’d love to have a traditional and decadent chocolate cake, this year it was actually 100 degrees with high humidity. Ice cream was the only option.

So I turned to Ali Slagle’s Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake.

As it turns out, this is not only refreshing and still decadent, it’s also easy because it’s more about assembling than actual cooking/baking. You basically crush up some cookies (I did Oreos) to form a crust, top with a layer of softened ice cream, then a layer of ice cream sandwiches and a final layer of softened ice cream. It cuts well when it’s fully frozen after the first piece is out.

Notes for the chef: I halved the recipe and opted to use a round pan instead of square. This worked well for me, but as you can see the ice cream sandwiches didn’t fit into a uniform layer.


A summer loaf cake


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